Saab 9-5

Since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Saab 9-5
+ Cars Saab 9-5
+ Controls and operation receptions
+ Options and car routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   The general information, recommendations and security measures
   - Forward suspension bracket
      Removal, dismantling, assemblage and installation of a nave and rotary fist
      Removal, dismantling assemblage and installation of a rack of a suspension bracket
      Replacement of a stretcher of petrol models
      Replacement of a stretcher of diesel models
      Removal and installation of the stabilizer of a suspension bracket
   + Back suspension bracket
   + Steering
   + Suspension bracket geometry
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Forward suspension bracket

Removal, dismantling, assemblage and installation of a nave and rotary fist

On models since 2002 вып. Nave dismantling is not provided; on models till 2001 вып. The wheel bearing at removal collapses.

Models till 2001 вып.


    Remove a cap ступичной nuts and give it at the car standing on the earth. A nut yet do not remove. Поддомкратьте the car, remove a wheel and remove hub a nut. Remove a brake disk and the wheel gauge (the Brake system see the Head).
    Give a nut of fastening of a tip of steering bent for to a rotary fist and take a tip from a fist by means of the special adaptation.
    Give bolts of fastening of a rack of a suspension bracket to a rotary fist and delay aside an arm of electroconducting of the wheel gauge and a brake hose (the Fixture of components of a forward suspension bracket and a steering see an illustration). Turn out a coupling bolt of fastening of a finger of a spherical support of a suspension bracket to a rotary fist.
    Turn out bolts of fastening of a brake board through an aperture in a nave and remove a board (11). Remove the holder of the wheel gauge (12).
    Beat out from a nave a power shaft a hammer with soft the brisk.
    Remove a rotary fist (14) and by means of the special adaptation (15) выпрессуйте from it a nave.
    Remove a lock ring and by means of the special adaptation выпрессуйте the wheel bearing.
    Grease the surface of a rotary fist interfaced to the wheel bearing, greasing Molycote Rapid G and запрессуйте the new bearing by means of the special adaptation. Establish a lock ring of the bearing a cut downwards. By means of the special adaptation запрессуйте a nave, insert into it a power shaft and involve its new ступичной a nut.

The reuse ступичных nuts is not supposed.

    The further installation is made in an order, the return to an order of dismantle of components. Tighten fixture with demanded efforts. The definitive tightening ступичной nuts is made at the car standing on the earth.

Models since 2002 вып.


    Поддомкратьте the car, remove a wheel and a cap ступичной nuts. Give hub a nut. Liberate a brake hose from holders and remove a brake disk and the wheel gauge (the Brake system see the Head).
    Turn out a coupling bolt of fastening of a finger of a spherical support of a suspension bracket to a rotary fist and extend a spherical support (11).
    Beat out a hammer with soft brisk a power shaft (12) of a nave and pull together a rotary fist with a nave from a power shaft. Turn out three bolts (13) fastenings of a nave and remove it together with a brake board. Installation is made upside-down. Tighten fixture with demanded efforts. Use new hub a nut.