Saab 9-5Since 1997 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Saab 9-5 + Cars Saab 9-5 + Controls and operation receptions + Options and car routine maintenance + The engine + Systems of cooling of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning - The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases The general data and security measures Sbrasyvanie pressure in fuel system + The power supply system of petrol engines - The power supply system of diesel engine V6 The general information Removal and installation of a sleeve of an air inlet, the case of the air filter and gauge MAF Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline Replacement of the gauge of position of a pedal of gas Replacement of gauges of a turbo-supercharging and the gauge of temperature of fuel Replacement of the valve of management with pressure of pressurisation Removal and installation турбокомпрессора Removal and installation интеркулера Removal and installation of a fuel tank Replacement of the fuel filter Removal and installation of a fuel distributive highway Removal and installation of the gauge of a stock of fuel Removal and installation ТНВД and replacement of its epiploon Removal and installation of atomizers + Systems of release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases + Systems of an electric equipment of the engine + Manual box of a gear change + Automatic transmission + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment Битрикс хелпдеск там. |
The power supply system of diesel engine V6 The general information At work of the diesel engine in its cylinders pure air which is compressed to a high pressure is soaked up. Thus air temperature rises above temperature of ignition of diesel fuel. Fuel is injected into the cylinder with some advancing and самовоспламеняется. Thus, spark plugs for fuel ignition in the diesel engine are not used. On the cold engine the temperature of compressed air can not reach value necessary for ignition. In this case additional preliminary warming up is necessary. For this purpose in each cylinder the candle накаливания, heating up the combustion chamber is established. Duration of heating depends on the surrounding temperature and is regulated by the block of management of the engine and the relay of preliminary warming up. The scheme of power supply systems and release ОГ is presented on an illustration. The scheme of power supply systems and release ОГ Separately components of system of giving of fuel are designated on an illustration. The scheme of giving of fuel Components of an inlet air path are specified in illustrations. Components of an inlet air path
Fuel is compressed to pressure necessary for injection in the fuel pump of a high pressure (ТНВД) where it moves the fuel pump from a fuel tank through the fuel filter. Pressure of injection is regulated by the engine management block. The fuel distributive highway is applied to a supply of fuel from ТНВД to atomizers of separate cylinders. Diesel engines cope the electronic system similar to a control system by petrol engines. Differences are listed more low. In a control system of diesel engines the cable of management throttle заслонкой is not used, instead of it the gauge of position of a pedal of the gas, located on a support of a pedal of gas is established. Besides, it is used Д/В brake pedals (Д/В stoplights) which provides decrease in giving of fuel at single turns if the gauge of position of a pedal of gas has failed. The gauge of position of a camshaft (CMP) together with gauge CKP hands over to the block of management the information about ВМТ the piston of the first cylinder. It serves for synchronisation of the moment of ignition and sequence of ignition. |