Saab 9-5

Since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Saab 9-5
+ Cars Saab 9-5
+ Controls and operation receptions
+ Options and car routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
- Onboard electric equipment
   The general information
   Diagnostics of malfunctions of an onboard electric equipment - the general information
   Safety locks - the general information
   The relay - the general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   Podrulevye switches
   Combination of devices
   Removal and installation of lighting devices and replacement of their lamps
   Adjustment of an inclination of headlights
   Removal and installation of gauges of adjustment of an inclination of headlights
   Removal and horn installation
   Screen wipers and стеклоомыватели
   Gauges of system of the help at a parking
   Removal and installation of an audiosystem and rosin.
   Removal and installation of components of system SRS
   Removal and installation of blocks of management DICE and TWICE
   + Electric equipment schemes

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Onboard electric equipment


 The table of applied lamps (12)

Colour marks of safety locks

Current, And Colour
5 Light brown
7.5 Dark brown
10 The red
15 Dark blue
20 The yellow
25 The transparent
30 The green
40 The orange
60 Dark blue


Capacity, Vt









Antifog headlights




Back dimensional fires, back foggy headlights




Backing lanterns, back dimensional fires




Indexes of turns




Main салонный the fixture, illumination of thresholds, a luggage carrier and a ware box



К/Л not fastened seat belts




Forward lamp for reading




Back lamp for reading




The repeater of indexes povoro, top level stoplight (models the Sedan) *, lay fires, licence plate illumination




The switch, forward ashtray

* In a stoplight of top level of models the Versatile person light-emitting diodes are used

 Placing of the relay and safety locks

Safety locks in the main assembly block

Current strength, And

Protected chains

A 30 A Trailer electroconducting
B 10 A TCM
C 7.5 A E/drive of rear-view mirrors, DICE, manual adjustment of an inclination of headlights
1 15 A Stoplights, Д/В stoplights
2 15 A Backing lanterns
3 10 A The left lay lantern
4 10 A The right lay lantern
6 30 A Right стеклоподъёмники, trailer electroconducting
6B 10 A Stoplight, the trailer
7 10 A Injectors, перепускной э/м the turbo-supercharging valve, э/м the valve отсечки systems EVAP, the valve of a purge of an adsorber of system EVAP
8 15 A Phone, SID, internal illumination, the help at a parking, the circulating pump of system of cooling
9 15 A Audiosystem, CD-changer, DLC
10 15 A Heating of seats
11 30 A E/drive of the right forward seat, the uniform lock, navigation
12 7.5 A TCM
13 20 A The audiosystem amplifier
14 30 A Engine management, gauge MAF, э/м the valve of forced air, э/м valve EGR, the cascade of injectors
15 20 A Heating of ljambda-probes, the fuel pump (petrol models), heating of the fuel filter (diesel models)
16 20 A DICE, indexes of turns
16B 7.5 A Payment of the road duty
17 20 A MIU, engine management, DICE/TWICE
18 40 A Heating of rear-view mirrors, heating of back glass
19 10 A Phone
20 15 A ACC, internal illumination, back foggy lanterns
21 10A Radio, mirror with protection against blinding, navigation, auto-adjustment of an inclination of headlights, gauges of position of pedals, темпостат
22 30 A The e/motor of the fan of systems of heating, ventilation and К/В
23 15 A The top hatch
24 40 A Pump SAI
25 30 A E/drive of a seat of the driver, e/magnet of a cover of a jellied mouth of a fuel tank
26 7.5 A The help at a parking, the top hatch, К/Л seat belts, memory of positions of a seat
27 10 A Engine management, MIU, SID, DICE
28 7.5 A SRS
30 7.5 A Starter
31 7.5 A The switch темпостата, э/м the heat exchanger valve
32 15 A Ventilation of seats
33 7.5 A Left подрулевой the switch
34 30 A Прикуриватель
35 15 A Movement headlights in the daytime
36 30 A Left стеклоподъёмники
37 30 A Windscreen cleaners
38 30 A Heating of seats
39 20 A Э/м the emergency operation valve, phone
S2-S6 Spare safety locks

 The relay in the main assembly block (under the panel of devices)

Designation Chain
A No
B Heating of a back seat
C1 No
C2 Are additional a heater
D Pump SAI
E The main relay of a control system of the engine
F Cover of a jellied mouth of a fuel tank
G The fuel pump (petrol models) or heating of fuel (diesel models)
H The ignition switch
I Heating of back glass
J No
K The starter relay
L1 Emergency operation
L2 The e/motor of a door of a back

 The assembly block in an impellent compartment (near to the tank of a brake liquid), a variant 1

 The assembly block in an impellent compartment (near to the tank of a brake liquid), a variant 2

Safety locks in the block of an impellent compartment

Current strength, And

Protected chains

1 40 A* Both fans of a radiator (low speed), the left fan of a radiator (high speed)
3 -
4 7.5 A Gauges of adjustment of an inclination of headlights
5 15 A Additional heater
6 10:00 AM Siren of the anticreeping alarm system, compressor K/V
7 15 A The alarm system headlights, the relay of check of serviceability of lamps
8, 9 No
10 15 A Headlight, the left headlight
11 15 A Passing light, the left headlight
12 15A Headlight, the right headlight
13 15 A Passing light, the right headlight
14 30 A The right fan of a radiator, high speed
15 15A Antifog headlights
16 30A Cleaner of back glass, the pump of washers of headlights
17 15A Horn
18 No

* Fusible inserts

The relay in the block of an impellent compartment

Designation Chain
1 The relay of check of serviceability of lamps of headlights, the relay of the alarm system headlights
2 The relay of the pump of a washer of headlights
3 The relay of antifog headlights
4 The relay of an interval mode of a cleaner of back glass
5 The relay of a lay heater
6 No
7 The relay of the gauge of a rain
8 The relay of work of both fans of a radiator on low speed
9 The relay of work of the right fan of a radiator on high speed
10 Compressor K/V relay
11 The relay of work of the left fan of a radiator on high speed
12 The horn relay
13 Headlight-selector
14 The headlight relay
15 The passing light relay
16 No
17 The relay of an interval mode of a cleaner of a windscreen

Efforts of a tightening of carving connections, Nm

Bolts of fastening of assemblage of screen wipers 8