Saab 9-5

Since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Saab 9-5
+ Cars Saab 9-5
- Controls and operation receptions
   - Access, protection
      Keys, replacement of an element of a food of block DU
      Doors and a luggage carrier cover
      Access in подкапотное space
      Access to a jellied mouth of a fuel tank
      The top hatch
      Glasses of doors
      Anticreeping system
   + Elements of systems of safety
   + The car equipment, arrangement of devices and controls
   + Devices of maintenance of comfort
   + Receptions of operation and auxiliary systems
+ Options and car routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Anticreeping system

The anticreeping system includes иммобилизатор the engine (it is established on all models) and the anticreeping alarm system (is established in addition).

The anticreeping alarm system

Activation/deactivation of the anticreeping alarm system occurs at accordingly lock-out/unlocking of the uniform lock. At car lock-out manually the alarm system is not activated. Devices of interruption of a current (protect all doors, a cowl and a luggage carrier cover) are applied to alarm system work, the gauge разбивания glasses (it is located in back салонном the fixture) and, – in some variants of delivery, – the inclination gauge (causes alarm system operation at change of an inclination of the car, for example, at поддомкрачивании).

The alarm system is activated in 10 seconds after remote lock-out of the uniform lock. The control light-emitting diode located over the panel of devices, behind closed doors, a cowl and a cover of a luggage carrier, burns during this time continuously, and then starts to blink with frequency of 1 times in 2 seconds. During these 10 seconds it is possible to open doors, a cowl and a luggage carrier, without having caused alarm system operation – thus the light-emitting diode blinks with frequency 3 times a second. If a door, a cowl or a cover of a luggage carrier not to close within 10 seconds the corresponding component leaves from under alarm system supervision. If the door has been opened and closed during 10 with after its closing time of a delay of inclusion of the alarm system is started over again.

Worked alarm system can be switched off, having unlocked the car by means of ДУ.

For gauge switching-off разбивания glass and the gauge (for example if in car salon there were children) press and keep the button NIGHT PANEL until on the multipurpose display there will be an inscription DOOR ALARM ONLY and the sound signal will not sound. The anticreeping alarm system should be activated not less than in 3 minutes after deenergizing of gauges; otherwise gauges will be included. Switching-off of gauges is cancelled at following unlocking of the car or at repetition of procedure of switching-off and accompanied by an inscription FULL THEFT ALARM.

If in the gauge разбивания glasses or in the inclination gauge there is a malfunction on the multipurpose display there is an inscription SERVICE THEFT ALARM.

Иммобилизатор the engine

Иммобилизатор it is intended for blocking of a chain of a starter at attempt to start the engine by the key which is not corresponding to the given car.

Activation иммобилизатора the engine occurs at extraction of a key from the ignition lock. The light-emitting diode joins in a mode of a double blinking.

At occurrence of malfunction any of components иммобилизатора on the multipurpose display there is an inscription KEY NOT RESPONDED. However the engine can be started if to insert колюч into the ignition lock, to turn it in position ON and to press once one of buttons on a key.