Saab 9-5

Since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Saab 9-5
+ Cars Saab 9-5
+ Controls and operation receptions
+ Options and car routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
- Body
   - The external equipment and кузовные elements
      Removal and installation of bumpers
      Removal and installation of decorative lattices of a radiator
      Removal and installation of spoilers
      Removal and installation of a covering and the decorative panel of a cover of a luggage carrier
      Removal and installation локеров wheel arches
      Removal and installation of forward wings and обтекателя a windscreen
      Removal and installation of beams of the top luggage carrier of models the Versatile person
      Removal and installation of assemblage of the top hatch and its components
      Removal and installation of a cowl and its lock
      Removal, installation, dismantling and assemblage of a forward door and its components
      Removal, installation, dismantling and assemblage of a back door and its components
      Removal, dismantling, assemblage and installation of a door of a back and its components
      Removal and installation of a cover of a luggage carrier and its components
      The fixed glasses
   + The salon equipment
+ Onboard electric equipment

получение банковской гарантии
автозалог одесская 2

The external equipment and кузовные elements

Removal and installation of bumpers

Forward bumper of models till 2002 вып.


    Remove a decorative lattice of a radiator (see Has undressed Removal and installation of decorative lattices of a radiator), indexes of turns and levers of cleaners of headlights (the Onboard electric equipment see the Head).
    Turn out 4 bolts (4) fastenings of a bumper to a beam (2 behind indexes of turns and 2 on a bumper beam) and give nuts (5) fastenings of a bumper to wings
    Turn out fastening bolts локеров to a bumper.
    Remove the bottom protective casing of an impellent compartment, separate sockets of antifog headlights (the Onboard electric equipment see the Head) and the temperature gauge.
    Unhook external corners from both parties of a bumper from wings and локеров and remove a bumper, having pulled it forward.
    At installation of a new bumper transfer on it from an old bumper a spoiler and a licence plate plate.
    Make sure that metal holders (9 pieces) are not lost and not погнуты.
    Establish a bumper on a beam, watching that terminators of levers of cleaners of headlights and shaft of their e/motors correctly settled down concerning a bumper. The further installation is made in an order, the return to an order of dismantle of components. In summary check up serviceability of functioning of indexes of turns, antifog headlights and cleaners of headlights.

Forward bumper of models since 2002 вып.


    Remove lateral decorative lattices of a radiator (see Has undressed Removal and installation of decorative lattices of a radiator) and a cover of the storage battery. Remove indexes of turns and a headlight (the Onboard electric equipment see the Head).
    Turn out bolts of fastening of a bumper to a beam.
    Remove a protective cover of washers of headlights, having compressed its clamps and turn out fastening bolts локеров to a bumper.
    Remove the bottom protective casing of an impellent compartment and the top clamps of a bumper.
    Unhook external corners from both parties of a bumper from wings and локеров and separate sockets of antifog headlights and the temperature gauge. Delay a bumper on each side and remove it from six clamps.
    In need of removal of an arm of a bumper slightly turn out bolts of fastening of washers of headlights, turn out 4 bolts of fastening of an arm (3) and ослабьте a collar (4).
    At installation of a new bumper transfer on it from an old bumper a spoiler, a licence plate plate, молдинги and the bottom decorative lattice of a radiator. Installation is made upside-down.

Back bumper of models the Sedan


    Turn out on two screws (1) of each wheel arch.
    Open a cover of a luggage carrier and remove the bottom overlay of an aperture of a luggage space.
    Unbend a carpet covering of a luggage space (4). On models since 2002 вып. Remove consolidations then give nuts of fastening of a bumper (5).
    On models till 2002 вып. Remove the angular prorate under the back combined lantern (5).
    On models since 2002 вып. Remove молдинги (6) and give nuts (7) of two apertures for back молдингом.
    At a complete set the drawbar separate its sockets and turn out bolts of its fastening to a body.
    Together with the assistant remove a bumper from clamps and pull it back. At a corresponding complete set separate a socket of the gauge of system of the help at a parking (1).
    In need of removal of arms of fastening of a back bumper of models from 2002 вып. Turn out bolts of fastening of an arm.
    Installation is made upside-down.

Back bumper and the top shelf of a bumper of models the Versatile person


    Open a back door. On models since 2002 вып. Remove angular молдинги a back bumper.
    Turn out screws of fastening of the top shelf of a bumper (3).
    Release from clamps a bottom edge of a shelf of a bumper, slightly unbend its corner and remove it, having pulled directly back. At a corresponding complete set separate sockets of gauges of the help at a parking. Turn out on two screws from each wheel arch.
    Remove ware boxes (4) and isolating plates (5) in a luggage space. On models till 2002 вып. Remove the back combined lanterns (the Onboard electric equipment see the Head).
    Give bumper fixture.
    At a complete set the drawbar separate its sockets and turn out bolts of its fastening to a body. Together with the assistant remove a bumper from clamps and pull it back. At a corresponding complete set separate sockets of gauges of system of the help at a parking. Installation is made upside-down.